Vint Cerf, Chairman
Atlas of Cyberspace explores a remarkable universe of visual
representations of the Internet's diversity, structure and content.
Introducing a rich variety of visual metaphors, the authors lead
readers through an inter-galactic assortment of ways to think about and
visualize all aspects of cyberspace. The ability of the human brain to
seek patterns in a chaotic cacophony of information will draw readers
in to this visual cyber-odyssey. Some of the results are strikingly
biological in their character leading one to wonder whether the
Internet is, in fact, a peculiar noncorporeal life form!" |
Wired News, 29th Sept 2001
Charting Virtual Worlds by
Leander Kahney.
who surfs the Internet should be able to identify with the Spanish
conquistadors. The early Spanish conquerors blundered blindly around
the New World in their quest for El Dorado.
days, Web surfers searching for gold must also travel without maps. For
years, cartographers and designers have tried to help by creating maps
of cyberspace. The results have been mixed, but now the fruits of their
labors have been collected in a handsome new coffee-table book, the
Atlas of Cyberspace."

York Times,
Circuits section, pg F5, 25 Oct. 2001
Cyberspace by
Pamela LiCalzi O'Connell
"Attempts to map cyberspace date almost from the
first Internet connection more than 30 years ago. Yet the cartography
of this virtual world lacked a compendium until now. ... Browsing this
cyberatlas...makes clear that there may be as many perspectives on
cyberspace and its contours as there are users." |
Education and Living Supplement, EL13, 11 Dec 2001
Lost in
Cyberspace? Try using a map of the superhighway by Anne Byrne
"Cyberspace is a nebulous concept to most of us, a
soup of information out of which we fish facts, using search engines as
hooks. So, an atlas containing hundreds of maps, diagrams and pictorial
representations of cyberspace is a surprise, and aid to understanding
and, most of all, a sheer pleasure to browse. The Atlas of Cyberspace, by Martin Dodge and
Rob Kitchin, is a beautiful, big coffee-table book. it is possible to
flick through admiring the sometimes bizarre and often complicated
represenatations of a landscape inhabited by some 400 million users.
But, this is a book that repays careful reading." |
Monday, June
of Cyberspace by
Nigel Gibson
Although the images are the stars of the book the
text is used to great effect to explain the techniques used, the type
of information portrayed and the purpose of the visualization. It would
be too easy for this book, with its stunning images and "kitsch" title
to be seen as nothing more than a coffee table ornament. It is far, far
more than that. It is a valuable resource for any students of
cyberspace who want images to support or explain a particular
phenomenon - if the image isn't here the links to further resources
might help and, failing that, the imaging techniques and data
collection methods might generate new ideas. It is also a useful
documentary on the growth of the Net: from the image mentioned above it
moves through the ARPANET maps of 1977 to a 1999 map showing the
undersea routes of fibre optic cables. Above all that it is sumptuous! |
OA Books, June 2001 Review
There's never been a book like this: a
breathtaking, mind-bending mapping of the Internet that utilizes
today's most sophisticated cartographic and visualization techniques!
Mapmakers have turned their attention to a new realm: cyberspace. For
the first time, a comprehensive selection of these maps has been
collated into one source. Written for laypeople, The Atlas of
Cyberspace catalogues thirty years' worth of maps to reveal the rich
and varied landscapes of cyberspace. First, the authors review maps of
the Internet infrastructure -- showing where the computers are located,
how networks interconnect them, and how traffic flows between them.
Next, they present maps of the Web, illuminating hyperlink structures
and site content in compelling "informational landscapes." Additional
maps examine human social interactions via e-mail, chat, bulletin
boards, virtual worlds, and games. |

Business School Working Knowledge Book Review 7 Jan 2002
"It seems ironic that one of the best references
about the Web is actually a book, but there it is. This colorful,
enlightening, and sometimes startling look at the reach and depth of
the Internet is rendered in graphs, charts, and maps collected from
public and private sources. The authors show visual representations of
Internet traffic hopping from country to country, e-mail flow, chat
room usage, and online game areas. A map showing the "urban
development" over time of the online world AlphaWorld appears similar
to how a real-world metropolis would develop. It's stunning. If you
ever wanted to know what cyberspace looks like, this is a good place to
start." |
30th Sept. 2001
Charting Virtual Worlds, posted by Hemos
and a
nice comment from one of the posters,
"I have a feeling it will end
up being the uber-geek coffee book of choice" |
Barnes and Noble, Oct 2001
review by
Bill Camarda
"How do
you map the Internet? In myriad ways, as it turns out. Collectively,
they are remarkably revealing. Occasionally, they are remarkably
beautiful, too. The full-color Atlas of Cyberspace brings together the
most fascinating attempts to map the Net. More than any other book,
this one makes the "virtual" world real enough to grab and hold onto.
To map
a work of imagination as remarkable as the Internet, you need
remarkable imagination -- and that's what's on display here, on every
Globebooks, 9 Oct
Atlas of Cyberspce, by
Andrew Allentuck
"images of the world wide web give the globe a
fascinating, irresistible appeal. They make the virtual visible. As a
present for a web worker, indeed, as a present for anyone involved in
technology, or as a book to ponder in quiet hours, the Atlas of
Cyberspace is a lovely thing." |

Netsurfer Digest, Vol. 07, Issue 34, 11th October, 2001
"This is at heart a coffee table book, filled with
neat maps of cyberspace. There are over 300 full-color maps of Internet
topology here, ranging over a time span of 30 years. Beyond the eye
candy, the book provides information on the latest research in
visualization techniques for mapping the topology and behavior of the
Net. The book also explores images of cyberspace as portrayed in art,
film, and literature. It's a good holiday gift for the Net addict in
your life." |
PC Utilities, Jan 2002
Editor's Choice
The Atlas of Cyberspace is a grand book in terms
of what it sets out to do. As the title suggests, the book sets out to
relate current thining regarding the mapping of cyberspace, whether
this be visually mapping the Net or attempts at virtual reality worlds
for computer games and movies. It's a book driven by pictures and
indeed the general layout of the book is one page of wonderful colour
picyures for every page of text. The authors say that the curious task
of mapping something which doesn't really exist is done to not only
record states of knowledge but also to generate new knowledge. The text
is fascinating but the undoubted strength of the book is in the
pictures, from the first initial 'back of an envelope' sketches of
Arpanet in 1969 all the way to the worldwide map of the Net, looking
not unlike a huge flower. |
New Cartographies to chart
Magazine, April
Charting the virtual world by Sari
Arti.it, April 2002
Atlante Del Cyberspazio by
Daniele Balit
and Planning B, April
of Cyberspace by
Danny Dorling (local copy)
March 2002
Cybergeographie: Les Codes Sociaux du Cyberspace

Welt @m Draht Wege im
Cyberspace by Dirk Asendorpf
Radio interview on German radio station, SWR2
Wissen, Sendung am Montag, 25. Februar 2002, ab 8.30 Uhr
Mapping Cyberspace by Susan Smith, February 2002
News Service, 23 Jan
Charting the Internet: Today's
Maps Have More Form Than Function by
Margie Wylie
Guardian, 11th Oct. 2001
Atlas of Cyberspace

Holland Herald (KLM
in-flight magazine), Jan 2002
Silicon.com, 1st Oct. 2001
gets its own atlas, by Pia Heikkila
Network of the World, 1st Oct. 2001
Made Simple: British academics map the virtual world of the Web in an
illustrated book called the Atlas of Cyberspace, by
Lisa Pollen
DirectionsMag.com, 25th
Oct. 2001
Ways to Map Cyberspace
Nooface, 30
Nov 2001
Mapping Cyberspace
Review, Nov 2001
A fascinating insight into a brave new world |
Lawyer, 12th Sept. 2001
Atlas of Cyberspace
Featured in PC Format story 'Break the Net',
January 2002

American Scientist, Oct
Navegante, 14th
Nov 2001
Un atlas para surcar la Red, by
Jose Luis De Vicente
Tercera, 15th October 2001
Publican el primer atlas del
ciberespacio, by Ricardo Acevedo
World, 12th October 2001
kyberprostoru by
Jan Kapoun
ITavisen.no, 2nd October 2001
om Internett: Bilder fra en digital verden, by Tore Neset
ComON, 2nd October 2001
over cyberspace, by
Karim Pedersen
FOK! 2nd
October 2001
Internet staat op de kaart


October 2001
Kortlægning af Cyberspace. (local copy)
Atlas du cyberespace, by Eric Bernard

of Cyberspace
Wired News on Spanish Lycos, 1st October 2001
Mapas del ciberespacio